Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welcome to Sykobabul

This is a blog about my thoughts regarding anything and everything. It has no theme, no structure and no defined timelines. I will post when I feel like it. My entries may be short, they may be long or somewhere in between. I really don't care if anyone reads this, as I'm doing it for me and no-one else.

I've found that writing is a great way to get all of the thoughts in my head out of it so that I can, hopefully, get a good night's sleep for a change, instead of lying awake at night thinking about my day, my love life, my interests, my worries, my fears and anything else that goes on in my head. Which these days seems to be a lot.

In case you're wondering, Sykobabul is my online screen name/secret identity and is simply an alternate spelling of the word "psychobabble" which means:

1 : a predominantly metaphorical language for expressing one's feelings
2 a : psychological jargon
2 b : trite or simplistic language derived from psychotherapy

Source: Merriam-Webster Online
Since I am an amateur observer of human behaviour, i.e. psychology, the name seemed appropriate. If you want to know more about me - and why wouldn't you? - you can have a look at my profile. There isn't much there yet, but there will be more as time goes on.

If you do happen to be reading one of my posts and would like to comment, feel free. I might even respond. All I ask is that you refrain from comments like "Dude, yer fucked up!" If you want to make a comment like that, make it intelligently. :)

One final note: I may from time to time use language or write about topics that may be offensive to some people. If you run across something that offends you in one of my posts, you have two options. You can start up a debate with me in the comments sections, or you can exercise your right to self-censorship and click the big red X in the upper right hand corner of this window. Your choice.

Let the games begin.

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